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Media Coverage

27 bytes added, 01:42, 8 July 2011
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{{vid}} March 30, 2011 -- [ A ninja'd video from] [[BlizzCon 2010]] appears on youtube, showing off [[Blizzard]], [[Zombie Bears]], and [[Fetish Army]].
{{com}} March 29, 2011 -- [ A poll appears] on Diablo: IncGamers asking players how they played the [[PVE]] game. Large numbers of them chose the option of experimentation along with several favorite [[character]]s and builds.
{{blz}} March 28, 2011 -- [ @Diablo announces that] Blizzard is not ready to make a [[beta]] announcement, despite the paradox. The community is shocked and surprised that Blizzard requires more time.
{{blz}} March 16, 2011 -- [ Blizzard announces their contest] where contestants must make a video detailing their memories of Blizzard.
{{com}} March 16, 2011 -- [ Diablo: IncGamers posits to gamers] whether or not they'd play in a Diablo III ladder season, with the results being heavily skewed towards "no".
{{int}} March 15, 2011 -- [ Max Schaefer comments on] the threat of the looming, yet never impending, release of Diablo III getting in the way of Torchlight's success, and also speaks on how controls can and should operate on console versions of [[ARPG]]s in [ this interview with cgmonthly].
[[File:D3-early-bone-screenshot1.jpg|thumb|350px|2005 shot from [[Blizzard North]]'s early D3.]]
{{pic}} February 17, 2011 -- [ The first screenshots ever] leaked from [[Diablo III: Blizzard North version|Blizzard North's version of Diablo III]] appear, via Kotaku. Fan comments are legion, and largely positive. A vote on Diablo: IncGamers reveals that [ a slight majority of fans prefer the look] of the 2005 version of the game.
{{pic}} February 15, 2011 -- [ The second pair of Facebook] images are released, for 25k more "likes."