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Slow Time

545 bytes removed, 20:28, 22 April 2011
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* No [[rune]] effects for Slow Time are known.
A runed version of Slow Time has been seen in video<ref>[http[Gameplay:// Diablo 3 PvP Arena Battles Gameplay - BlizzCon Blizzcon 2010|here]] -- Diablo3Inc's Channel</ref>, but it's unclear what the effect is.
Slow Time can be seen in action on video here:
* [http[Cinematic:// Diablo 3 Wizard Trailer - BlizzCon 2008] -- Diablo3Inc's Channel (at 2:11, with [[Wave of Force]])* [http[Gameplay:// Diablo 3 Wizard Gameplay - BlizzCon Blizzcon 2008] -- Diablo3Inc's Channel (at 1:50)]* [http[Gameplay:// Diablo 3 Demon Hunter Gameplay - BlizzCon Blizzcon 2010 (2/2)] -- Diablo3Inc's Channel ] (rune'd, at 5:40)* in the [[ Diablo 3 PvP Arena Battles Gameplay - BlizzCon 2010] -- Diablo3Inc's Channel (rune'd, at 1:00])
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