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Media Coverage

474 bytes added, 10:13, 3 September 2008
no edit summary
This page lists all ''Diablo III'' coverage; previews, interviews, designer diaries, forum post, and more. Anything from the D3 team that's substantial enough to warrant a news post on gets an entry on this page. Larger interviews and other features are archived in this section one month after they go online, to ward off link rot.
==September 2008==
{{pre}} September, 1 2008. [] on 2.0 confirmed features.
==August 2008 - Post-Leipzig==
==August 2008 - GC Leipzig==
{{vid int}} September 2, 2008. [ Jay Wilson] on randomness and the [[art controversy]]. Gamereactor.
{{pre}} August 27, 2008. [ Game Informer Magazine] on Diablo 3 from GC'08.
{{pre}} August 26, 2008. [ Gamedaily] on Diablo 3 from GC'08.
{{pre}} August 5, 2008. [ UGO] on chat trades and fees.
{{int}} August 5, 2008. [ Jay Wilson] on the fact that the Necromancer is gone. MTV
{{pre}} August 4, 2008. [] on, and possible 2.0 changes.
{{int}} August 4, 2008. [ Jay Wilson] discusses player-modified D3 screenshots and the game's art direction. MTV
{{blz}} August 3, 2008. [ Bashiok on] the Barbarian statue.
{{pic|s}} July 26, 2008. [ five new screenshots] including monster and world art.
{{int}} July 25, 2008. [ Leonard Boyarsky] on the importance of lore in the game. IGN.
{{pre}} July 25, 2008. Australian PC Powerplay Magazine. Scanned pages [ one], [ two], [ three], [ four], [ five], [ six], [ seven].
{{int}} July 24, 2008. [ Brian Morrisroe] speaks about art design with CVG.
{{int}} July 23, 2008. [ Rob Pardo] on Blizzard's game design philosophy. CVG.