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48 bytes added, 11:16, 28 August 2008
Section Headers
===Section Headers===
To keep pages readable and organized, separate the text into sections. Section headers do this nicely, and are automatically added to the table of contents. Headers should be hierarchical and descending, as needed. There are several levels of headers, and the text so offset by equals signs will display in descending point size and font colour.
* Heading 1 <nowiki>==Your heading==</nowiki><br>
* Heading 2 <nowiki>===Your heading===</nowiki><br>
* Heading 3 <nowiki>====Your heading====</nowiki><br>
Heading 1 <nowiki>==Your The single equal sign is ''not'' used in articles. It's used for the formatting for the title of pages. Use the double equal signs for the first heading==</nowiki><br>Heading 2 <nowiki>===Your and replace any heading===</nowiki><br>Heading 3 <nowiki>====Your heading====</nowiki><br>hierarchies on article pages that might use the single one.
The single equal sign is ''not'' used in articles. It's used for the formatting for the title of pages. Use the double equal signs for the first heading and replace any heading hierarchies on article pages that might use the single one.
 Aside from links and tables, covered elsewhere on this page, the most common formatting tool is the list. There are two types: bulleted and numbered, and they are written in exactly the same manner. To create a bullet list, simply place asterisks (* ) at the start of each line you want to bullet. If you want a numbered list, use the hash (#) sign. To add subheadings, simply use 2 or more such punctuation signs. The wiki script will automatically arrange them on the page.
Turns into:
* Item One
* Item Two
** Item Two and a half
*** Item two and three quarters
* Item Three.
# Item One# Item Two## Item Two Bullet points or numbered lists should be used to organize and a half### Item two format pages, and three quarters# Item Threeto present short facts in sequence.
Bullet points or numbered lists should be used to organize and format pages, and to present short facts in sequence.
====Soft Returns====
The wiki script ignores single returns. For instance, if you type something that looks like this in the edit box:
It will show up on the page as a plain line of text, without any line breaks. You need to add a <nowiki><br></nowiki> tag to each line you want to format below the next. It's also possible to use pointed or numbered lists for breaks. Read above about lists.
Lists, generated by the * or # codes, are an exception, as shown in the above example.
====Quote Boxes====
To make a short quote stand out, simply add one space before it begins, and the wiki script will automatically place it in a red-tinted box with a special outline. For example:
To make a short quote stand out, simply add two spaces before it begins, and the wiki script will automatically place it in a red-tinted box with a special outline. For example:  Aren't I dramatic!
This should only be used for short notes, since items in this sort of box do not receive additional wiki formatting, and will stretch pages infinitely wide. Use the <nowiki><br></nowiki> command to keep such lines from running endlessly off to the right, if they are longer than a few words.