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Frozen Mages are [[demon]]s. They were first seen in the [[Blizzcon 2009]] demo in the tombs beneath the Act 2 desert, in the Blizzcon 2009 demo. The extremely generic nature of their name makes it seem likely to be a place holder, to be replaced by something more interesting before release.
These caster monsters had a sort of cloaking or teleporting ability, and tended to appear out of thin air when a character drew into range. It wasn't clear if they were healing or teleporting, or were just invisible until character proximity triggered their appearance.
When killed , Frozen Mages live up to their name, by shattering into numerous blue-tinged pieces, - most of them long, spindly remnants of their insect limbs.
They look a little like something we have seen before: [[Baal]]. They have insect legs and the horn like spindles on their backs. The relationship with Baal might be purely coincidental.