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'''Traits''' are a separate set of [[skills]], all of which are passive, that provide strong bonuses towards for the [[Skill|active skills]] and [[stats]] that define one's playstylegeneral character abilities. Characters do not earn enough points to use every trait, or even most traits. Choosing which traits to spend point in allows each character to specialize their play style in unique fashion.
* [[Barbarian traits]]
* [[Demon Hunter traits]]
Traits implemented into the game during 2010, when all [[passive]] skills were removed from the skill trees. Many existing passive skills were (more or less) directly transformed into traits, while lots of others were added to fill character needs. Traits were first revealed during the Diablo 3 [[Gameplay Panel Blizzcon 2010|Gameplay Panel in Blizzcon 2010]] by [[Jay Wilson]]. They Traits provide strong substantial bonuses to all active skills and stats, essentially allowing a player to upgrade a specific skill or playstyle which defines them and their build. Mechanically, they are suppose to replace Diablo 2's stats.
Jay explained the basic logic behind moving passive skills out of the skill trees and into a traits tree in an interview in the Blizzcon 2010 show program: <ref>[http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/jay-wilson-interview-blizzcon-program/ Jay Wilson Interview @ Blizzcon 2010 Program] - IncGamers October 25, 2010</ref>
::'''Jay Wilson: '''The skill system has been totally revamped, and we’ve added an all-new traits system. The skill system we showed last year was fairly Diablo II-like. We knew at the time that the basic mechanics were sound, but we felt it was intimidating, and that it overly encouraged spreading your points around into as many different skills as possible instead of focusing on the skills that fit your play style. If you’ve spread your points into 30 different skills, then you’ve broken your character. The system wasn’t facilitating playing the game well.
As of October 2010, trait points are awarded every other level (1, 3, 5, etc). There are about 30 traits per character, though this number may be reduced/condensed in further development. Traits can have 1, 3, or 5 points placed in them, with the number varying between traits.
Traits are not all unique to each character. About half one-third of the traits are found on two or more classes, with a fair number spread across all five classes, though their Clvl requirement requirements may vary between classes. Many traits are unique to individual classes, and have special bonuses that are only of use to that class. ==Traits Allow Customization== The main goal of traits is to allow players to really customize the build of their character. This is accomplished by the large number of traits providing a lot of bonuses, and the fact that each trait makes a considerable difference. They're not just +1% minor passive bonuses; they're all big chunks of effect, usually +20% or more, per point. Jay Wilson spoke to this fact in an interview from Blizzcon 2010. <ref>[http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/blizzcon-interview-jay-wilson-g4tv/ Jay Wilson Interview @ BlizzCon 2010] - IncGamers transcript of G4TV interview, October 25, 2010</ref> ::Jay Wilson: We wanted more customization, and we wanted customization that really spoke to the idea that, ‘I’m going to roleplay my character and focus in one area.’ Skills are really awesome, but when players think of who they are as a character, they don’t tend to think of, “I like to Whirlwind.’ They’ll use [[Whirlwind]] with their Barbarian, but it’s not how they define themselves. They think, ‘I’m a Barbarian who’s exceptionally strong or exceptionally tough!’ And that’s what traits are. The affect the core attributes of your character to let you customize and expand them. ::For the [[Barbarian]] a we can focus on [[Inner Rage]], which really defines who he is. For the [[Wizard]] we can focus on something more magical in nature. So it’s a great opportunity to tell the player more about their character.
==Traits Master List of Known Traits==
[[image:Prismatic_cloak.png|right|thumbnail|200px|The Prismatic Cloak trait, shown as an example during BlizzCon 2010]]
===B Traits===* [[Black Ice]] -- Wizard*[[Ball of Lightning]] -- Wizard*[[Bad Temper]] -- Barbarian* Class [[Battering Ram]] - - Barbarian* [[WizardBeast Hunter]]-- Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard** Description [[Blood Rites]] -- A Shocking defense will make enemies ponder the wisdom of their assault. Witch Doctor** Effects [[Blur]] - Periodically shocks a nearby enemy for 1-120 Lightning Damage. Wizard** Levels [[Brain Basher]] -- 1 Barbarian
===D Traits===*Inner Rage[[Death Pact]] -- Witch Doctor** Class - [[BarbarianDie by the Sword]]-- Barbarian, Monk** Description [[Demonsbane]] -- "While most orders teach the merits of calming the seas of the soul Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, the guardians of Arreat have embraced the raging inner Storm" - Chronicler RaygresWizard** Effects - Reduces the rate of [[FuryDisbelief]] Lost and Increases Fury gained for hitting the same target.-- Barbarian** Levels [[Drain Power]] -- 5 Wizard
===F Traits===*Iron Skin[[Ferocity]] -- Witch Doctor** Class - [[BarbarianFetish Leader]]-- Witch Doctor** Description [[Flight before Fight]] -- N/A Wizard** Effects [[Fleet]] -- Increases Armor. Monk** Levels [[Frenzied Attacks]] -- N/A Barbarian, Monk
===P Traits===*Meditation[[Pig Sticker]] -- Barbarian** Class - [[Plagued]] -- Witch Doctor* [[Pound of Flesh]]-- Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Monk*[[Power Surge]] -- Wizard* Description [[Prismatic Cloak]] - The cycle of life returns all things to their origins.- Wizard** Effects - Spirit spells return 30% of their [[ManaPrecision]] cost over 10 seconds.-- Monk** Levels [[Penetrating Spells]] -- 3 Wizard
===Q Traits===*[[Quickening]] -- Witch Doctor, Wizard ===R Traits===* [[Ritual of Blood]] -- Witch Doctor* [[Rituals]] -- Witch Doctor*[[Right-Handed]] -- Witch Doctor* [[Ranged Weapon Specialization]] -- Demon Hunter* Class [[Rapid Strikes]] -- Monk ===S Traits===* [[Spirit Vessel]] -- Witch Doctor* [[Staff Specialization]] -- Witch Doctor, Wizard* [[Spirit Link]] -- Witch Doctor* [[Spiritual Attunement]] -- Witch Doctor* [[Superior Skill]] -- Barbarian, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard* [[Soul Split]] -- Wizard* [[Second Wind]] -- Barbarian* [[Shield Slam]]-- Barbarian*[[Sixth Sense]] -- Monk* Description [[Slaughter]] -- Circle Barbarian* [[Shield of salt. Withermoth's wing. Iron]] -- Barbarian ===T Traits===* [[Telekinesis]] -- Wizard* [[Temporal Flux]] -- Wizard* [[Temperature Control ]] -- Monk* [[The spirits hear my call.Wall]] -- Barbarian*[[Thunderous Blows]] -- Barbarian, Monk* Effects [[Toughness]] -- Increases your spell power by 10% of your Vitality. Barbarian, Demon Hunter, Monk, Witch Doctor, Wizard* [[True Spirit]] -- Monk ===U Traits===* [[Unbreakable Will]] -- Demon Hunter, Witch Doctor, Wizard* [[Unrelenting Assault]] -- Witch Doctor ===W Traits===* [[Wand Specialization]] -- Wizard* [[Weapon Master]] -- Wizard*[[Weak Spot]] -- Barbarian, Monk ===Z Traits===* Levels [[Zombie Master]] -- 5 Witch Doctor
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* [http://www.diablowiki.net/Gameplay_Panel_Blizzcon_2010 BlizzCon 2010 Diablo 3 Gameplay Panel]