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'''Gargantuan''' is a tier IV Tier Six [[Witch Doctor skill]] in the [[Zombie Skill Tree]], which . It summons a large zombie to do fight for the Witch Doctor's bidding.This skill has never been demonstrated, so nothing is known about what sort of zombie it summons.
|user= Witch Doctor
|tree= Zombie
|description= Summons Summon a large level X zombie follower to fight for you.
|type= Summon
|quantity= Cast
The Witch Doctor summons forth a huge lumbering gargantuan to do his bidding.
==Skill Design==
It is unknown how the Gargantuan looks like, or what exactly his role is. We do know he is a big undead monster and either hits very well or is a good tanker. Also, It wouldn't be surprising if this skill had were a pet version of the words "Not Yet Implemented" written on it, meaning that it will probably get changed, iterated [[Unburied]] or removed before Diablo 3 is releasedone of the other grotesque demons.
==Skill Rank Table==
The stats as listed in the Blizzcon 2009 demo. Expect changes in the final game.
*Rank: 1/5
**Summons a large zombie follower to fight for you.
**Summons a large zombie follower to fight for you. (A)
**Mana Cost: 13 mana
(legend (A) = Assumed)
* [[Spirit Link]] -- 10% of damage taken is instead redirected to your summons.
* [[Zombie Master]] -- Increases damage done by Zombie skills.
* [[Ferocity]] -- Increases damage done by your summons.
* [[Care of the Master]] -- Increases the health of your summons.
==[[Rune|Skill Rune]] Runestone Effects==* None Nothing is knownabout the benefits of [[runestones]] in this skill.
'''Gargantuan'' was first ' has only been seen in the [[BlizzCon hover descriptions at Blizzcon 2009]] demo, and is a new skill2010. It is unknown if this skill was iterated's never been seen in use, at least publiclyand the descriptions don't seem to have changed much over time.<!--<gallery>Image:Diablo_III_Logo.jpg|Skill use 1</gallery>==Trivia==-->
You can find pictures in the Diablo 3 screenshot and picture gallery. Sadly, no images of Gargantuan have been seen:
* [http://www.diii.net/gallery/ Diablo 3 screenshots and pictures]
{{Skill_navbox_zombieSkill_navbox_Witch Doctor}}