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Boss Modifiers

513 bytes added, 05:54, 4 November 2010
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Most of the special, random modifiers found on bosses in Diablo 3 are reminiscent of {{iw|Monster_modifier#Unique_Monster_Bonuses those seen in Diablo 2}}, but there are some new ones mixed in. This should be considered a partial list, and was compiled from play experience at Blizzcon 2009.[] Expect updates and changes until and even after the release of the game.
This page is the master list. Each entry has a brief listing here; click to the individual pages for a fully detailed listing with screenshots and gameplay reports.
A [[Ballista]] was a new property seen on some ranged attacking bosses in the Blizzcon 2010 demo. This modifier appeared to increase the size and damage of their projectiles, but the damage wasn't noticeably giant, and the shots didn't explode upon impact, as Warcraft 2 fans might have expected, given the utility of the human catapult, the Ballista, in that title.
===Cold Aura===
This was [[Cold Aura]] reported by a fan, but not seen in any videos of the event. It reputedly worked just as it did in Diablo 2, chilling and slowing players within the radius of effect. After Blizzcon, [[Jay Wilson]] let it be known that [[Auras]] would return to the game, most likely as [[Monk skills]], so monsters having auras as well doesn't seem that unlikely.
A mod [[Desecrating]] was seen in the Blizzcon 2010 demo. The function wasn't clear from viewing it; it seemed like monsters with this were arcane enchanted with an Arcane energy; purple and enchantedcrackling.  It may be basically a kind of "Arcane Enchanted" to use the Diablo II term, and this grants [[Arcane]] bonus damage to the monster as well as raising its resistance to Arcane damage.
A fairly common boss [[Doppleganger]] is an annoying property; this one allowed bosses to that can be quite dangerous.  Bosses and Champions with it create clones duplicates of themselves, much as {{iw|Baal Baal}} does did in Diablo 2II: Lord of Destruction. The clones had have the same properties as the bossoriginal, and fought just as a big danger when the boss did. (Making them very dangerous, when they were clones has nasty mods on top of a nasty boss with a dangerous propertythe Doppleganger.) Fortunately, they had fewer Clones have only have the hit points (possibly 50% as muchof the original, as Baal's clone does)so the die fairly quickly, and their name hovers said "clone of _____" so but they were fairly easy 're not worth anything to spot. They disappeared when killed, dropping nothingkill, and all vanished when while the boss was killedplayer is busy with them, another Doppleganger or two are likely to appear.
The clones are easy to spot; their names say "Clone of _______" with the boss' name in the blank, but they're best ignored or avoided since the boss needs to be killed to stop the clones from appearing. Individual bosses were are able to produce numerous clones at the same time, essentially making their own minion packs. In most cases at Blizzcon 2009 (where this property was first observed) it was strategically better to ignore the clones and go right for the boss, since it would make more clones as (or more) quickly than players could kill them off.
Diablo 3's version of Lightning Enchanted bosses, these guys emitted sparks when struck, added lightning damage to their attacks, and presumably resisted lightning damage as well. It's unknown if Multi-Shot will return as a boss property in Diablo 3, but if so it's assumed that Diablo 2's buggy, mega-damage from MSLE bosses will not be repeated in Diablo 3.
[[File:Boss-electrified1.jpg|center|thumb|600px|Electrified boss putting out massive sparks.]][[Electrified]] are Diablo 3's version of Lightning Enchanted bosses. These bosses emit sparks when struck, add lightning damage to their attacks, and presumably resise lightning damage as well, though that's not yet been tesed.  Their sparking properties had been turned up a great deal as of were observed with awe at Blizzcon 2009 and 2010, and a fight with them would wind up with half for the screen covered in sheer amount of blueish sparksthey spit out like miniature arc reactors. The sparks seemed don't seem to be very damaging, at least not early in the game, and are more about an impressive visual than a dangerous attack.  The sparks do not spit out in just four directions, as they did in Diablo II. They course out almost like bloodbeing poured from a wound, coursing out with something of the bosses a disco light show to them as they took damage, move around in circles and mostly running send out long strands in various random directions away from , while the player attacking them. These sparks were more visual than deadly, and did minimal boss is taking damage, but it was an impressive visual.
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