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53 bytes added, 13:23, 12 September 2010
[[File:Inv-small-bag.jpg|frame|Early bag system.]]
During [[WWI 2008]] and [[BlizzCon 2008]], the inventory was similar to that of [[World of WarCraft]], with one slot for each item, and a possibility to expand the inventory space by adding up to four bags to your character. Smaller items also stacked up to five in a stack in order to save space. It started with 12 slots, but could progressively be upgraded to 30 slots.
This system was simplified over time, and as of August 2009 there's only one bag slot, but it can add a great deal more space to the default character's inventory.
[[Image:Inventory-gamescon09a.jpg|frame|Inventory from August 2009.]]
The evolution of the Inventory was discussed during Blizzcast #8, in March 2009. []
::'''[[Bashiok]]:''' Since people saw the game at BlizzCon, the interface and the UI has actually changed dramatically.. ...What are the changes that have come about since then?
::'''[[Mike Nicholson|Mike]]:''' Well one of the biggest things involved in Diablo are items, right? We’ve experimented with a few things and one of the big things that everyone liked from Diablo, as an entity, were the large objects right. While it was more efficient to go with a WoW style one size fits all icon, which is what most people have seen, we really wanted to see what we could do and so we went back and reevaluated the system and we’ve decided split it into large and small objects.  [[Image:Inventory-gamescon09a.jpg|frame|Inventory from August 2009.]]That brings up the question of Tetris inventory all over again, and a lot of people are opposed to that, some people like it, some people don’t. So what we did we ended up tabbing the inventory, so now you have your large items, and then you have a tab for small items, and there’s a third tab for quest items. That way all the items can coexist nicely with each other without the frustration, which w as one of the complaints about the old system is the frustration in trying to fit everything into your pack.
::'''Bashiok: '''And are we still going to see the bag system coming back, the expandable [inventory] with the bags, or is it a set inventory size for each tab?