From Diablo Wiki
→Diablo 3 Easter Eggs in Starcraft 2
They can be used to customize units on player-made maps, as the example Terran Marine shows. The images were first found [http://us.battle.net/sc2/static/images/source/decals-1-75.jpg on the Battle.net site], [http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/diablo-3-decals-sc2-achievement/ on July 18, 2010].
===Deckard Cain Achievement===
::This achievement is after you finish the Gates of Hell mission in planet Char. There’s a cinematic right after, then you see an interactive Raynor, General Waterfield and Tychus with a char background. The achievement suddenly pops when that loads. It’s interactive as in you hover the mouse over Raynor, the General and Tychus, and they become silhouette-highlighted, you click them and they have a cutscene-dialogue.
===Burning Diablo===
A screenshot can be seen to the right. See [[http://diablo.incgamers.com/blog/comments/diablo-is-a-starcraft-2-easter-egg/] the original news post] for more details and a movie of the little guy.
===Diablo Marine Avatar===