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Writings of Abd al-Hazir: Entry no. 0017

29 bytes added, 16:33, 20 July 2010
Entry no. 0017
==Entry no. 0017Tristram Cathedral==
After seeing the remains of [[Tristram]] for myself, I felt the need to search out further information on what it was about the corridors and dungeons underneath its old [[Tristram Cathedral|cathedral]] that held such mystique.
Originally built as a [[Horadrim|Horadric]] monastery sometime around 912 (see my entries pertaining to ancient mystical traditions for more information on the secretive Horadric order), the building was later converted to a [[Zakarum]] cathedral. Legend has it that the original monastery was built over the vault where the mythical [[Diablo]] was imprisoned, and that his supposed release led to the horrors we all now [[Diablo_Legend|associate with the name Tristram]].
At this point he trailed off, lost in whatever regrets he has endured to this day.