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Burning Tower

163 bytes added, 18:00, 11 June 2010
Some possibilities
4) The tower looks like concept art for a structure we’ll see in the game, and that it’s in multiple different pieces of concept art shows that it’s important to the plot. I fully expect my character to battle their way up those sloping stairways on the edge of the structure come D3’s release.
5) The tower is [[Bastion's Keep]], a keep of the [[Children of Bul-Kathos]] kept to defend the Northern Steppes and Mount Arreat from invasion. It has been said that the The Monk's artwork depicts a fight at Arreat's Crater, making the burning tower actually [[Bastion's Keep]] being attacked.It would also make sense, considering that the Burning Tower was seen on two Barbarian images, and Barbarians are associated with [[Bastion's Keep]] on the writings of [[Abd-al Hazir]]
Pick one that approximates your view, or make up your own. That’s what the comments are for, after all.