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1,692 bytes added, 21:20, 16 March 2010
Male Wizard's Appearance
[[File:Wiz-male-ingame1.jpg|thumb|175px|Male Wizard.]]
The Wizard debuted with the female, and the male was not seen in-game or screenshots for some time afterwards. He was playable during the Blizzcon 2009 demo, and his appearance in the game did not excite any comment. That changed quite abruptly in early March, 2010, when an animated graphic of the male wizard, taken from the in-game version, was added to the official site. Fans reacted immediately and strongly, and while opinions were mixed, many of the negative comments were cutting and angry.
The main objection was to the look of the male wizard. His face was deemed to be too soft and effeminate, his downcast eyes made him seem submissive and weak, and his resting animation was compared to belly dancing. []
==Appearance== [[File:Wiz-fem-02.jpg|left|thumb|300px|Female wizard: concept art to final in-game.]]The female wizard's appearance was widely-accepted and non-controversial. She looks quite a bit like her original concept art. The male wizard, on the other hand, had a very controversial reveal. No one thought much of his concept art or paid much attention to his appearance when he debuted as a playable character in the [[BlizzCon 2009]] demo. However, some months later when Blizzard has added his in-game model to their official wizard page, there was an eruption of fan rage. []  The primary complaints were that he looked too effeminate, and while there was arguably a homophobic edge to the complaints, anyone can see that the male wizard is far from the strongest-looking character in the game. The character lore stresses how headstrong, confident, and haughty the wizard is in his/her arrogant youth, and in matching that description the male wizard falls short. He's just not yet responded to these attacksan imposing, powerful looking individual [], though as some fans pointed out,[] he's very much typical of the current look of many heroic males in popular anime; wearing an indifferent, too-cool-for-school meterosexual look. That they released It's not known if that "look" played any part in Blizzard's design of the artwork shows character, but it's clear that Blizzard wants to provide a variety of different character looks so that all fans will have someone theycan enjoy playing. And that tastes vary. [[File:Wiz-male-comparison1.jpg|frame|thumb|200px|Male Wizard concept vs. in-game.]]Blizzard made no substantive comments over the fan reaction to the male wizard're happy with its appearance, so it seems unlikely 's assumed that they'll make any re making no changes at this pointand are fine with the way fans have greeted the character's look. A poll on found fan opinions widely split on the character, with almost equal numbers of fans to loved and hated it, with very few undetermined votes.[http://diablo.incgamers. com/blog/comments/male-wizards-look-your-opinion/] <blockquote>What do you think of the look of the Male Wizard?* 2) It's also good, but could be improved. 243 votes, 28.79%* 4) Ugh. I'll be playing the female Wiz. 220 votes, 26.07%* 5) Hate it. J-pop boy-band reject. 140 votes, 16.59%* 1) I love the male Wizard look. 137 votes, 16.23%* 3) I'm indifferent. M'eh. 104 votes, 12.32%Total Votes: 844</blockquote> It is worth noting stressing that there was no one objected fan outcry to the look of the male wizard after he was first shown in -game, at Blizzcon the [[BlizzCon 2009]] demo. It's was only in this when his head-on view was added to the official website that he became objectionable, and since this is a view players will never have in the isometric, top-down game view, (barring some sort of "zoom in to look at your character's armor" option) this controversy may well fade is likely to nothing fairly quicklybe a non-factor in the final game.
==Spell Damage==