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One example of one of the biggest ways we edited ourselves is … we have this cool system where we can hit a dude so hard that his skeleton flies out. It was awesome, really cool-looking. And we added several skills that did that; every time you hit somebody, their skeletons fly out. But I have to say, it got a little boring after a while! It became a little excessive. It took away the coolness of it. And so there, we felt like our overuse of it actually de-emphasized it, and we didn’t like that. We were like, “No, if we want to push the skeleton out of somebody, we want it to be a big deal.” I want to really like see it, and I want it to be a special event. And that’s probably the main way we’ve toned ourselves down, is to go back and say, let’s not go so overboard, that there’s nothing cool about the violence.
=Establishing that "Diablo I" Mood=
Many long time fans of the Diablo series feel that Diablo 1 was much creepier than the sequel. Diablo 1 had much lower quality graphics and cinematics than Diablo 2, but it had a dark mood and theme that was not matched by the more action-heavy sequel. The [[D3 Team]] has accepted and acknowledged this, and they've repeatedly stated that their design vision for Diablo 3 is more akin to Diablo 1 than Diablo 2, in terms of the mood and vibe.
Leonard Boyarsky spoke on this in an interview with IGN in July 2008. [http://pc.ign.com/articles/893/893781p1.html]
::A lot of what I've done in my past games - even though they've had a lot more dialogue and hardcore RPG stuff than we're going to have in this game - the thing I'm always trying to do is to create a mood for the player first and foremost, and that's going to hopefully colour the player's experience from the minute he steps into the game; the way people talk or the environment he's running through… Diablo 1 had this really haunted, horror mood, Diablo 2 lost a little bit of that, and we really looked at the difference of those two things, so that's the kind of thing that we're trying to get the players to experience.
::'''''Wired.com: '''You’ll obviously have to edit content for regions like Germany and Australia, but what about China? Is that a more difficult case?
::'''Jay Wilson:''' Definitely for regions like Germany and Australia, we will have to change blood if we’re going to sell there. And that’s fine. Those are the standards for those regions, and we don’t really have a problem with catering to what they need and what they want. But China’s going to be hard for us. Because a lot of the restrictions there are really… we may not be able to do them. It may not be possible. With our relationship with NetEase, we recently got new information about what China really wants, and it’s a lengthy list. It’s really hard for us to cater to. We’ll try. There’s no reason we wouldn’t want to go there, but there is a certain point where we’d have to redo so much of the game that it’s not viable anymore.
=Fan Feedback=