From Diablo Wiki
Then Yang Ho Cheng had and idea - to create a Martial arts textbook. He asked his friends Ing Yao and Moon Snow to help him and they happily agreed. The textbook was created for two years and it contained many techniques an even some magical ones written by Moon Snow. She helped a lot with her knowledge of meditation and holy spells. The textbook was written in a secret code and only the best students knew it. The textbook It was called The Book of In Ten.
But her sacrifice was in vain. The two teachers blamed each other for her leaving, then they got in a fight. Yang Ho Cheng gave up the teaching and the textbook and went on a journey to find Moon Snow, while Ing Yao thought that searching for the woman is pointless as she didn't want to be found, and continued his work. He changed the name of the temple founding the Dragon Wing Monastery and accordingly the Dragon Wing doctrine. Meanwhile something very bad happened - someone stole the Book of In Ten and they never found out who. The textbook was lost.
Their names were not forgotten."
==Class Design==