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Alesar's Pendant

No change in size, 14:09, 25 January 2010
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[[File:Mon-dunethresher1.jpg|thumb|Sand Thresher.]]
Though this quest is very simple, it's made more interesting by the acerbic personality of Alesar himself. When play tested at the Blizzcon 2009 show, Alesar was always present in the Enclave of Khamsim. He always warned the player about the [[Sand ThreshersDune Thresher]] s in the area, but didn't always give the quest. In the limited play testing time it wasn't clear if the quest only spawned randomly in some games, or if there was some trigger required to enable it.
In any event, when the quest was live Alesar was clickable, and when spoken to gave the quest along with a lot of nasty dialogue. He was angry about his dead son, and not at all grieving. Alesar was very bitter about the boy's death, and he spoke at length about the burdens of children, how they gave no end of trouble, and how his son remained a vexation even in death.