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290 bytes added, 11:39, 14 January 2010
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==Diablo III Waypoints==
[[Image:Waypoint.jpg|thumb|right|450px|Female [[Barbarian]] running towards what could be the new waypoint.]]
Not The inclusion of Waypoints have been confirmed [], but not much is known about these yet, but there . There is one screenshot released with what looks like a waypoint Waypoint in it. It, but it's unfortunately not as straight forward as a Waypointthat. It's the ''teleporter '' to the dungeon in the [[Act II]] demo from [[BlizzCon 2009]]. Whether or not the actual waypoints will look like that, or if this is a solitary teleporter remains to be seen.
* [ Blizzard on Witch Doctor Pets and Waypoints]
* [ Waypoint screenshot]
* [ Jay Wilson Interview]