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User talk:Vipermagi

582 bytes added, 19:29, 9 December 2009
Java etc
::::Two links to get you guys starting: [] + []. It will require some code to be entered in [[mediawiki:common.js]] and [[mediawiki:common.css]] (can probably be lifted from other wikis, but has to be found first :P Thank MediaWiki for making everything open-source). The div classes can be put in a template so it's not as difficult to remember :P I ''think'' the only difference is that the div classes aren't actually tables, unlike the tables (DUH :P ), but I'm still asking around about that. --[[User:Vipermagi|Vipermagi]] 18:26, 7 December 2009 (UTC)
New responses on the matter (Q: The major difference is that div boxes aren't tables, but rather floating boxes, right?):<br />
"Basically, yes. Divs are much more flexible than tables, which is why the current web design trend is to avoid tables whenever possible, only using them when necessary to display tabular data." ~Ishmael<br />
"Yes, and the wiki HTML coding has made me adopt this statement: "When in doubt, use a div" ~Gimmethegepgun<br />
GuildWiki only uses NavFrame, and so far we've had no big problems. --[[User:Vipermagi|Vipermagi]] 19:29, 9 December 2009 (UTC)