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Fanmade:Nature Forces Skill Tree

836 bytes added, 16:24, 5 November 2009
no edit summary
Adding points to the skill will increase the chance to put higher level enemies to sleep. The sleep duration increases /up to 10 seconds/ and the flower existence duration increases /up to 15 seconds/.
* '''Call Pixies'''
The mage calls a pixie swarm to help her in battle. Press the skill button once and the mage will raise her hand and a small pixie swarm will appear attacking the enemies. You can also hold the button and draw a big line of pixie swarms around the enemies. The more you hold the button, the more pixies called. They appear from nowhere.
Pixies are tiny creatures that fly around. They look pretty much like big fireflies, but their light doesn't blink. Their light is golden. Pixies attack with a suicidal explosion in the enemy's body. The explosion is small but does damage. Just imagine the pixie swarm that creates many small explosions to the enemies. The fans will call this skill "Pop-corn". Costs mana per swarm.
Adding points to the skill will increase the pixie damage and will decrease the mana cost.