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Diablo: The Sin War

131 bytes added, 15:27, 3 November 2009
no edit summary
The Sin War summary: the world of [[Sanctuary]] was created by an [[angel]] named [[Inarius]] and a [[demon]] named [[Lilith]] who were both tired of the [[Eternal War]] to serve as their refuge. Inarius wanted humanity to serve him, but because humanity was the spawn of an angel and demon they could be as powerful as both combined. Enter the [[Worldstone]], which served both to keep Sanctuary invisible for the heavens and hells and to subdue humanity's otherworldly powers as [[nephalem]], children of angels and demons.
When the books start, Inarius is at the helm of his own Cathedral of Light as 'the Prophet' and the other important religion is the [[Triune]], led by the [[Primus ]] (oh yeah, it's [[Lucion]]) who serve [[Mefis]], [[Dialon ]] and [[Bala]], respectively the god of love and other such inversions.
Lilith, who was out of the game for whatever reason I forgot, tried to raise an army by causing some humans - notably farmer [[Uldyssian ]] - to rediscover their ancient powers. Uldyssian goes prophet, emerges from hometown [[Seram ]] and assembles a legion of followers - the [[edyrem ]] - who proceed to attack first the Triune and then the Cathedral. Of course Uldyssian discovers about Lilith and kills her. He also kills his supposed nemesis, Triune priest [[Malic]]. Three times. Anyway, Uldyssian's rampage stretches across three books, and by the time they get to the Cathedral they've gone super saiyan and can do anything. They also fight off a [[Vizjerei ]] in passing.
Inarius proceeds to nearly kill them, but they defeat him anyway. In the meantime, however, [[High Heavens|heaven ]] and [[Burning Hells|hell ]] have discovered Sanctuary despite the best efforts of the newfound friends of [[Mendeln]], one of Uldyssian's partners. The guy apparently was called by [[Trang-Oul ]] and his nephalem friend [[Rathma ]] from the [[plane of the void]], because heaven and hell were moving in to stumble upon Sanctuary and Trang-Oul is the guardian of Sanctuary and wanted to keep them out. Trang-Oul, by the way, looks like a dragon made of stars. I'm not sure how Mendeln was supposed to be useful to them.
Anyway, Uldyssian easily kills Inarius, then the angels and demons invade. The angels were there to destroy this 'taint on creation', the demons to burn it to the ground. Amazingly our edyrem actually stand their ground and kill a lot of angels (!) until Uldyssian goes Akira and explodes. Time freezes and the rest of the party end up in heaven where the [[Angiris council Council]] decides on the fate of Sanctuary. [[Malthael ]] and [[Imperius ]] support pre-emptive destruction, [[Auriel ]] and [[Etherael ]] support allowing humanity to develop in case something good comes out of it. The vote is decided by [[Tyrael]], who was a bad guy all along (doing things like reviving Uldyssian's ranger partner [[Achillios ]] as a [[zombie ]] to assassinate Uldyssian) but was so moved by Uldyssian's Heroic Sacrifice™ of blowing himself up to keep his out of control powers from blowing up everyone else. (As opposed to the heroic sacrifice of a thousand other red shirt edyrem, I suppose) This taught him that humanity has a heart and should be saved and allowed to exist and eventually 'make their own choice' (read: fight for Heaven, otherwise kaboom).
Angels sign a blood pact with [[Mephisto ]] to leave Sanctuary alone. (Yeah, he sure kept his side of the deal) Everyone magically forgets the destruction. End of story.
Unsolved threads: Worldstone still exists, humanity goes back to being suckers again and getting owned by demonity.