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Sisterhood of the Sightless Eye

91 bytes added, 12:05, 23 October 2009
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===The Great Eye===
The religious side of the sisterhood is led by a High Priestess ({{iw|Akara Akara}} in [[Diablo II]]), and presumably lower ranked priestesses, that worship the [[Great Eye]], of which the organisation most likely is named. This religion, which likely part of Eastern philosophies, helps the archers to develop an "{{iw|Inner_Sight inner-sight}}"and the Rogues have built a massive [[Rogue Monastery|monastery]] presumably in its honour.
This innate sixth sense that all sisters seem to possess allows them to send a stream of arrows at an opponent, each fired with a seemingly careless precision. It also allows them to sense trapped fixtures, and aids them in attempts to disarm these traps as well.