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Fanmade:Bow and Throwing Skill Tree

297 bytes added, 11:17, 8 October 2009
no edit summary
* Multiple Shot
This bow skill is like the Amason skill. The warrior shoots up to five arrows at once, damaging a group of enemies.
At first you shoot 2 arrows and after you add points to the skill the count of arrows shot increase. The maximum is five arrows per shot. Costs mana.
Adding points to this skill increases the damage and the chance to hit and of course the count of arrows shot.
* Guided Arrow
Pretty much like the Amason skill, but the arrow cannot make turns of sharp angle. Yes, it is still homing to moving target, but forget about shooting the arrow and it make turn at 80 degrees. The arrow has some chance to make a critical hit. Costs mana.
Adding points to this skill will increase the damage and the chance of critical hit.
A passive skill that makes the arrows able to pierce enemies and hit the ones behind the first. There is some percent to pierce an enemy.
Adding points to this skill will increase the damage a little bit and also the chance to pierce.
* Stunning Arrow
The warrior shoots special arrows that hit the enemy's head and stun him for a while. They also deal good damage. Costs mana.
Adding points to this skill increases the damage and the stun duration.
* Dagger throw
The ability to throw daggers(throwing blades). Something like Disk throw. The warrior spins and throws blades in all directions that hurt or kill the enemies around. Daggers have some good damage and a chance to make a critical hit. Costs mana.
Adding points to this skill increases the damage of the blades, the critical hit chance and their count.
b) Attack an enemy and leave the cords to hold the rest of the foes until you attack them too.
The skill costs mana.
The more skill points added the more cords winged and the more enemies tied, and the damage when pulling the cords increases. The duration of holding the enemies also increases.
* Smoke Veil
The warrior throws a small bomb that creates a smoke veil that doesn't allow enemies to see and attack him and does some poison damage. You can throw Smoke Veil to a group of enemies or in your feet when surrounded by them, and escape. The enemies that are higher level can still see you in the veil, so add points to the skill. The skill costs mana.
Adding points to this skill will increase the size of the smoke cloud and will decrease the chance of the higher level enemies to see you. The poison damage also increases.