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Diablo Wiki:Policy

364 bytes added, 14:11, 6 August 2009
no edit summary
* [[Article]]s are almost exclusively used in singular ("Barbarian" instead of "Barbarians" etc). If it is at all possible to use singular form, do so.
* [[Category]] titles use a similar logic to articles, where a two-worded category title uses a minor letter for the second word like this: [[:Category:Art books]]. Categories are almost exclusively used in plural ("Category:Maps" instead of "Category:Map").
Standard navbox navigation, if using more than one, should be:
# Navigation for the topic you are on. For example, if it is skill, then the skill tree for that skill.
# Over-all navigation. If it's a skill then show the navigation for all skills for all classes.
# Secondary navigation. If needed, add a box for even further overviewing navigation.