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Arcane Power

3,218 bytes added, 14:28, 6 July 2009
Created Article
'''Arcane Power''' is a Tier 1 [[skill]] from the [[Wizard]]'s [[Arcane skill tree]], increasing all arcane damage by a percentage per skill rank.

|game= Diablo III
<!-- |portrait= -->
<!-- |portrait-width= -->
|active= Passive
<!-- |name= -->
|ranks= 15
|user= Wizard
|tree= Arcane
|description= Increases all arcane damage.
|type= Indirect damage boost
<!-- |quantity= -->
|effect= Self
|school= Arcane
<!-- |resource= -->
<!-- |cost= -->
<!-- |cast-time= -->
<!-- |duration= -->
<!-- |cooldown= -->
|synergies= [[Magic Missile]]
Studies for a Wizard, in how to increase the efficiency of her spells.

==Skill Design==
This mastery boosts the arcane spell damages by a much higher % than similar masteries for other types of damage, and it's unclear why. Possibilities include: arcane spells generally do less damage, their critical hit bonus might be less useful, or the spell just might be overpowered in this early, still-under-testing build.

==Skill Rank Table==
* '''Rank 1:''' Increases arcane damage by 12%.
* '''Rank 2:''' Increases arcane damage by 24%.
* '''Rank 3:''' Increases arcane damage by 36%.
* '''Rank 4:''' Increases arcane damage by 48%. (presumed)
* '''Rank 5:''' Increases arcane damage by 60%. (presumed)
* '''Rank 6:''' Increases arcane damage by 72%. (presumed)
* '''Rank 7:''' Increases arcane damage by 84%. (presumed)
* '''Rank 8:''' Increases arcane damage by 96%. (presumed)
* '''Rank 9:''' Increases arcane damage by 108%. (presumed)
* '''Rank 10:''' Increases arcane damage by 120%. (presumed)
* '''Rank 11:''' Increases arcane damage by 132%. (presumed)
* '''Rank 12:''' Increases arcane damage by 144%. (presumed)
* '''Rank 13:''' Increases arcane damage by 156%. (presumed)
* '''Rank 14:''' Increases arcane damage by 168%. (presumed)
* '''Rank 15:''' Increases arcane damage by 180%. (presumed)

* [[Magic Missile]] - Increase damage of.

==[[Rune|Skill Rune]] Effects==
* None known.

First revealed at [[BlizzCon 2008]]. Presumed to still be a [[Wizard]] spell as of 6 July 2009.

''Hide this section unless there really is some trivia about the class. Add the skill to the [[:Category:Trivia]] category as well if you add info here.''

''Use this as-is, but replace appropriate text. Just change "Magic Missile" to the class name below to update the gallery links. If the class has no images in gallery, just hide this entire section.''

You can find pictures in the Diablo 3 screenshot and picture gallery:
* [ Diablo 3 screenshots and pictures]
* [ Magic Missile-specific gallery contents]

Image:Diablo_III_Logo.jpg|Skill use 1
Image:Diablo_III_Logo.jpg|Skill use 2
Image:Diablo_III_Logo.jpg|Skill use 2
Image:Diablo_III_Logo.jpg|Skill use 3

==Related Articles==
''Articles that are related, but not emphasised enough in any other section, or articles that just need further attention.''

* [ Wizard Gameplay Report]
