Diablo 3 sales

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  • 3.5 million copies sold world-wide in first 24 hours. (box and digital) [1]
  • 1.2 million players received Diablo 3 (Digital) as part of signing up for World of Warcraft Annual Pass.[1]
  • Record digital pre-orders through Battle.Net. (figure not disclosed)[2]
  • Most pre-ordered PC game on Amazon.Com ever (box). (figure not disclosed) [3]
  • Diablo 3 debuted at number 2 in the UK charts (box). It was the 12th fastest selling PC game ever in the UK.[4]

References[edit | edit source]

  1. 1.0 1.1 Diablo 3 Sets PC Game Launch Record - Blizzard Press Release, 23/05/2012
  2. Record Digital orders via Battle.Net - Activision Blizzard Conference Call, 10 May 2012
  3. Most Pre-ordered PC on Amazon - Gamespot, 10 May 2012
  4. 12th Fastest Seller in UK - GfK Chart-Track