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Chancellor's Tomb

(Redirected from Chancellor's Altar)

The Chancellor's Tomb is located within Act I, underneath the Defiled Crypt in the Cemetery of the Forsaken.

It's a very small dungeon and always configured the same. It's only purpose is to house the king's crown for the quest the Shattered Crown and besides that it's not worth visiting.


Areas and Dungeons within Chancellor's TombEdit

Access to LevelsEdit



Checkpoints are respawn points. Players who die appear back at the last checkpoint they reached. Players can also leave the game and resume at the last checkpoint at a later date. In effect they are a 'save game' feature. The following Checkpoints appear in Chancellor's Tomb

  • Inside the entrance to the Chancellor's Tomb - Just after you have killed Manglemaw on the Shattered Crown quest.

Common MonstersEdit

Special Monsters found in Chancellor's TombEdit

The following Superunique monsters can but might not always appear in Chancellor's Tomb:
