Stay Awhile and Listen

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This page provides information on Stay Awhile and Listen[e] Achievement. It details when the conversations become available from Deckard Cain who first appears in Act I.

If you are going back to quests in order to get these conversations make sure you check with Cain first for any conversations he has available. If they are white text listen to them. Some conversations won't appear if he has others not yet listened to (white text).

<achievement type="single">Stay Awhile and Listen</achievement>

Who Are You


Cain: "I am the last of the Horadrim. I couldn't always claim this. In fact, if I had turned to the Horadric teachings sooner, Diablo could have been stopped before his reign of terror began."

Player: "You can't truly believe that."

Cain: "When the first signs appeared, I did nothing. I had shrugged the old tales off like they were so much fantasy, and Tristram - no, the world - has paid dearly for my arrogance. I have tried to make up for my failings. Leah and I have spent her lifetime scouring the world, collecting pieces of the Prophecy of the End Days. If I can decipher it, we will have the key to defeating the Lords of Hell."

The player portion of the conversation can differ depending on the class and gender.


Available as soon as you begin A Shattered Crown quest.

Your Adopted Niece


Player: "I notice a great fondness between you and Leah."

Cain: "I do not know what my life would have been like had I not raised her. Oh, it must have been difficult for Leah, following an old man on a mad search for the secrets to defeating the Lords of the Burning Hells. Heh. But though she has seen her share of mysterious things, she is still unsure of my quest. I can understand; she has never seen anything like Diablo and his brothers."

The player portion of the conversation can differ depending on the class and gender.


Available as soon as you begin A Shattered Crown quest.

Prophecy of the End Days


Cain: "I am the last of the Horadrim. I couldn't always claim this. In fact, if I had turned to the Horadric teachings sooner, Diablo could have been stopped before his reign of terror began."

"The Prophecy of the End Days is contained within the Horadric tomes I inherited from my ancestor Jered Cain. It is a warning to those who could interpret it regarding Hell's ultimate invasion of our world, written by many different people throughout history in many different lands.

All known versions of the Prophecy are incomplete. I have spent a good part of the past twenty years trying to complete it. I am certain it holds the answers to defeating the Lords of Hell."

The player portion of the conversation can differ depending on the class and gender.


Available as soon as you begin A Shattered Crown quest.

Mad King Leoric


Player: "You said Diablo drove Leoric mad?"

Cain: "Leoric resisted Diablo's attempts to possess him, but the effort left him weak and confused. When his son Albrecht was kidnapped to be a vessel for Diablo, it destroyed any sanity Leoric had left."

Player: "What happened after he became the Skeleton King?

Cain: "He commanded any army of the dead deep within the cathedral, finally serving the Lord of Terror he had resisted while alive. Many adventurers tried and failed to slay the Skeleton King. It was left to Leoric's eldest son, Aidan, to finally kill the monster his father had become."

The player portion of the conversation can differ depending on the class and gender.


Available as soon as you begin A Shattered Crown quest.

Associated Achievements

The Stay Awhile and Listen achievement is required in order to complete the following achievement(s).

Name Points Description Banner
<achievement type="single">Now I've Heard Everything</achievement><achievement type="single">The Art of Conversation</achievement>