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Like most key NPCs in Diablo III, Captain Rumford's dialogues differ considerably between the characters. In each case Rumford conveyed the essential information; that a flaming object had recently fallen from the sky and crashed through the roof of the Tristram Cathedral. Great evil had awakened since then, and the area was now overrun with monsters. All of the characters knew this much, and said they’d come after hearing news of the fire from the sky, but Rumford's dialogue let the player know the Cathedral was just ahead, and that the area was very dangerous.
* Captain Rumford's introductory dialogue with the female Witch Doctor can be heard in its entirety during [[Wizard]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DvbGPKt0maY this Girls Entertainment Network report]from Blizzcon 2008. The dialogue in question begins at the 3: 31 point. ===Wizard===Only the female [[wizard ]] was playable in the Blizzcon build, and she was very saucy, sassy, headstrong, and brashly-confident. Her dialogue with Rumford was somewhat flirty, as she taunted him for being afraid to face the monsters himself, boasted that she would clear out the demonic infestation in nothing flat, and all but ordered Rumford to buy her a drink to toast her success when she returned. Rumford seemed somewhat overwhelmed by her arrogance and authority, and became rather meek and soft spoken before the Wizard's powerful presence.