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11 bytes added, 13:19, 3 April 2009
Bag Slots
The inventory storage has changed numerous times during development, and will likely change again. The most recent information was released on March 30, 2009, with the Blizzcast #8 []. As of that date, a character's storage space is divided into three separate tabs, opened by clicking them below the paperdoll. Each tab has its own color scheme and art style (stitches I.E Stitched Borders on Small Item Tab/Pouch), The Three Tabs are:
Each Tab will have a bag assigned to it, each bag will have a predetermined number of slots. Players will start with standard bags in each tab, which will likely only hold a small % of the maximum possible. (In the Blizzcon build, October 2008, with a slightly different inventory system, new characters had 10 out of a maximum of 30 spaces available.) As players progress, they will find larger bags, which add more storage spaces to the inventory. It's not known if one type of bag will add spaces to each tab; for instance a bag might give 6 large slots and 12 small, or there might be different bags for each inventory tab. Nothing is known about quest item storage limits either; it might be necessary to finish a quest or abandon it, before new quest items could be picked up?