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29 bytes added, 01:01, 19 April 2015
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==Lore IntroductionSub Types== '''Act V''' *Executioner*Punisher 
Blizzard introduced the monster with some lore as part of the Westmarch Bestiary preview in November 2013:<ref>[ Westmarch Bestiary] -</ref>==Executioner==
<blue>“These monsters were once the most notorious and reviled criminals *Appears in WestmarchAct V - [[Pandemonium Fortress Level 1]], drawn up from the deepest, darkest cells of the city’s prisons. Each was worse than the last: heartless murders who had butchered countless men, women, and children. In death, Malthael birthed them in forms that matched their twisted, callous souls, creating perfect instruments of slaughter. The executioners have earned their name.”</blue>[[Pandemonium Fortress Level 2]]
These were once men, mutated into demonic forms by Malthael's vile sauce.<mob>Executioner</mob>
==Where to find them==*Appears in Act V - [[Abandoned Cultist Stores]], [[Miser's Hovel]] (as [[Champion]]s), [[Nobles' Rest Courtyard]], [[Old Smugglers' Warehouse]], [[Westmarch Commons]], [[Westmarch Heights]]
* [[Abandoned Cultist Stores]] (as [[<mob>Punisher]]s)* [[Miser's Hovel]] (as [[Punisher]] [[Champion]]s)* [[Nobles' Rest Courtyard]] (as [[Punisher]]s)* [[Old Smugglers' Warehouse]] (as [[Punisher]]s)* [[Pandemonium Fortress Level 1]]* [[Pandemonium Fortress Level 2]]* [[Westmarch Commons]] (as [[Punisher]]s)* [[Westmarch Heights]] (as [[Punisher]]s)</mob>
* [[Uzkez the Annihilator]], [[The Killing Floor]]
* [[Xoren]], [[Pandemonium Fortress Level 2]]
==Lore Introduction==
Blizzard introduced the monster with some lore as part of the Westmarch Bestiary preview in November 2013:<ref>[ Westmarch Bestiary] -</ref>
<blue>“These monsters were once the most notorious and reviled criminals in Westmarch, drawn up from the deepest, darkest cells of the city’s prisons. Each was worse than the last: heartless murders who had butchered countless men, women, and children. In death, Malthael birthed them in forms that matched their twisted, callous souls, creating perfect instruments of slaughter. The executioners have earned their name.”</blue>
These were once men, mutated into demonic forms by Malthael's vile sauce.