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User talk:Belushi81x

696 bytes added, 11:24, 8 March 2009
Second Major Project: sub-header Same subject, kinda...
::Looks fine to me :) However, when a table becomes too wide to fit next to the image, it crawls under (Show Preview ftw?). This creates quite a big space between the header and the progression table. Maybe move the header below the image? --[[User:Vipermagi|Vipermagi]] 16:30, 3 March 2009 (CET)
===Same subject, kinda... ===
So I figured I'd put it down here. An idea for the Skill tree pages:
==Plague Skill Tree==
===Tier 1===
*[[Locust Swarm]]
*[[Plague of Toads]]
*[[Spider Statue]]
===Tier 2===
Or you could drop the separate Active/Passive and blend those together. Anyways, try that on the [[Plague Skill Tree]] page and see if you like it, when you have time :) It makes an easier-to-read page, and it won't become as long as with a header for each skill (preserves the TOC<!--Table of Contents; the box which gives all the header names-->, too). --[[User:Vipermagi|Vipermagi]] 12:24, 8 March 2009 (CET)