'''{{PAGENAME}}''' are is a set of items with a required character level of 70 and are only available in the expansion pack, [[Reaper of Souls]]. The set is comprised of four pieces of armor, [[Eyes of the Earth]], [[Pull of the Earth]], [[Spires of the Earth]], and [[Weight of the Earth]]. These items can be equipped by any class, but the set bonuses are specifically for the [[Barbarian]].
These This set is commonly referred to as "LeapQuake" since it provides bonuses to enable almost constant use of [[Earthquake]], when combined with [[Leap]]. The items in this set drop only as loot, and are not crafted via the Blacksmith or Jeweler.
'''Required Level:''' 70
==Might of the Earth set pieces==
The Blizzard's database lists the items in this set as equally likely to roll with any [[mainstat]], but every single one in use on this set will only smart drop with Strength as a character in the DiabloNut armory has Strengthmainstat, and none have never with Dexterity or Intelligence . (save a handful that Though there are some pieces in use by other classes who have been [[enchantenchanted]]ed to a mainstat other than STRthe Str into Dex or Int.)
* 660–759 Armor
* Primary Bonuses:
** {{c_blue|One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)}}*** {{c_blue|+626–750 Dexterity}}*** {{c_blue|+626–750 Strength}}*** {{c_blue|+626–750 Intelligence}}
** {{c_blue|+91–100 Resistance to All Elements}}
** {{c_blue|+2 Random primary affixes}}
* Primary Bonuses:
** {{c_blue|+8-10% Critical Hit Chance}}
** {{c_blue|One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)}}*** {{c_blue|+626–750 Dexterity}}*** {{c_blue|+626–750 Strength}}*** {{c_blue|+626–750 Intelligence}}
** {{c_blue|+2 Random primary affixes}}
*Secondary Bonuses:
* 586–674 Armor
* Primary Bonuses:
** {{c_blue|One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)}}*** {{c_blue|+416–500 Dexterity}}*** {{c_blue|+416–500 Strength}}*** {{c_blue|+416–500 Intelligence}}** {{c_blue|One of 14 5 Magic Properties (varies)}}*** {{c_blue|Increases Companion Damage by 10–15% (Demon Hunter Only)}}*** {{c_blue|Increases Rain of Vengeance Damage by 10–15% (Demon Hunter Only)}}*** {{c_blue|Increases Sentry Damage by 10–15% (Demon Hunter Only)}}*** {{c_blue|Increases Spike Trap Damage by 10–15% (Demon Hunter Only)}}*** {{c_blue|Increases Fan of Knives Damage by 10–15% (Demon Hunter Only)}}*** {{c_blue|Increases Avalanche Damage by 10–1510-15% (Barbarian Only)}}*** {{c_blue|Increases Black Hole Earthquake Damage by 10–1510-15% (Wizard Only)}}*** {{c_blue|Increases Piranhas Revenge Damage by 10–1510-15% (Witch Doctor Only)}}*** {{c_blue|Increases Dashing Strike Rend Damage by 10–15% (Monk Only)}}*** {{c_blue|Increases Seven10-Sided Strike Damage by 10–15% (Monk Only)}}*** {{c_blue|Increases Mystic Ally Damage by 10–1515% (Monk Only)}}*** {{c_blue|Increases Sweeping Wind Overpower Damage by 10–15% (Monk Only)}}*** {{c_blue|Increases Cyclone Strike Damage by 10–15% (Monk Only)}}*** {{c_blue|Increases Bombardment Damage by 10–1510-15% (Crusader Only)}}
** {{c_blue|+2 Random primary affixes}}
*Secondary Bonuses:
* 660–759 Armor
* Primary Bonuses:
** {{c_blue|One of 3 Magic Properties (varies)}}*** {{c_blue|+416–500 Dexterity}}*** {{c_blue|+416–500 Strength}}*** {{c_blue|+416–500 Intelligence}}
** {{c_blue|+10–12% Movement Speed}}
** {{c_blue|+2 Random primary affixes}}