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Fanmade:Behind the Fiery Runes

3 bytes added, 23:15, 15 February 2009
no edit summary
Series one had a text only nameplate, that only had the name of the creature, blizzard’s name and [[Holyknight3000]]’s name below it. Then towards the end of that series he added his trademark icon that had the [ Zod], and the smaller rune circle with it, below the text name plate.
[[Image:Nameplate_series_one.jpg|left|Series One]]
Series Three had a much more sophisticated design that the others. It was [[Holyknight3000]]’s masterpiece. Everything he wanted for a nameplate for the series he managed to get it. Had to take using Adobe Photoshop CS3 to help get the bars separated for him to use. This nameplate he also made parts of it from scratch; the middle reddish gem, the left and right triangle wings, and the revision of the Series Three icon for this series. He also made larger and clearer Blizzard and [[Diablo 3]] logos as well for this nameplate.
[[Image:Nameplate_series_three.jpg|left|Series Three]]
With each new series, HK always drew his ideas out on paper to plan his next series. Same went for his nameplates especially when it came for the 3rd series nameplate. He had such a crazy idea for that nameplate that he drew a rather large image to convey his idea, so he wouldn’t lose the very idea he planned for.
[[Image:Sketch_series_three.jpg|left|Sketch of Series Three's Nameplate]]