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Battlefields of Eternity

240 bytes added, 20:07, 13 June 2014
no edit summary
* [[Kill Baethus]]
* [[Kill Burrask the Tunneler]]
* [[Kill Obsidious]]
* [[Kill Sartor]]
* [[Kill Slarth the Tunneler]]
* [[Kill Watareus]]
* [[Krusk]] - Vengeance is Mercy
* [[Kurekas]] - Imprisoned Demon Lord (part of [[The Great Weapon]] event)
* [[Obsidious]] - Seeker of Forgotten Treasures. Target of the bounty [[Kill Obsidious]]
* [[Rekkar]] - Siege Runekeeper (part of [[The Time Trap]] event)
* [[Rockulus]] - The Stonecrusher
* [[Sartor]] - Magnetic Monster. Target of the bounty [[Kill Sartor]]
* [[Sharpclaw]] - Pack Leader (part of [[A Diversion]] event)
* [[Slarth the Tunneler]] - Devourer of Angels. Target of the bounty [[Kill Slarth the Tunneler]]
* [[The RealmWalker]] - Planar Guardian
* [[Watareus]] - Matriarch of Armageddon. Target of the bounty [[Kill Watareus]]