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Immortal King's Boulder Breaker

8 bytes added, 13:42, 16 March 2013
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The [[Immortal King's Legend ]] is an item set with six items, primarily of use to Barbarians. Only two items, the Mighty Weapon and the mighty belt, are Barbarian-only, but the item stats (mostly +strength) and partial set bonuses are of the most use to Barbarians, so this set is little used by other classes. (If a sixth class is added with strength as the [[mainstat]] they might find some of this set useful.)
The Boulder Breaker is the weapon and the least-used item in this set, since many barbarians prefer to dual wield, or to use the [[Skorn]] if they go with a two-handed weapon. This item has an awesome in-game graphic, which is more the shame that hardly anyone gets to see it.
Legendary items (including Item Sets) found prior to [[Patch 1.0.4]]'s big item buff are called [[legacy]] items. These generally have much lower stats and bonuses than current versions of those same items. Legacy and current sets do not generate partial set bonuses when equipped together, and legacy set items have different names so players can keep them straight.
Legacy set: '''Immortal King'''
* [[Immortal King's Stone Crusher]] ([[Mighty Weapon]]) ([ db])
Other legacy IK set items:
* [[Immortal King's Detail]] ([[Mighty Belt]]) ([ db])
* [[Immortal King's Forge]] ([[Gloves]]) ([ db])