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1 byte removed, 04:14, 23 February 2013
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[[Plagued]] bosses create green pools of damage beneath their feet and in the immediate vicinity. These pools are not targeted at the player the way [[Desecrater]] is, but the Plague pools can be quite numerous, they appear frequently, and last for a considerable duration. During a long battle the entire screen can be covered in green pits, and this is very dangerous in enclosed areas where players can entirely run out of safe places to stand. [[Jailer]], [[Waller]] and other movement impairing effects are very dangerous when combined with Plagued.
[[File:Plagued-oasis1.jpg|thumb|400px|Plague pits cover the screen.]]
[[Plagued]] bosses create green pools of damage beneath their feet and in the immediate vicinity. These pools are not targeted at the player the way [[Desecrater]] is, but the Plague pools can be quite numerous, they appear frequently, and last for a considerable duration. During a long battle the entire screen can be covered in green pits, and this is very dangerous in enclosed areas where players can entirely run out of safe places to stand. [[Jailer]], [[Waller]] and other movement impairing effects are very dangerous when combined with Plagued.
As well as dealing damage, the Plague pool inflicts a short term debuff that reduces the armor of Barbarians and Monks by 50%, and cause the Witch Doctor, Wizard, and Demon Hunter to take reflected damage.