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Hammer of the Ancients

654 bytes added, 01:35, 11 September 2012
no edit summary
'''Hammer of the Ancients''' is a [[Fury]]-spending Secondary [[Barbarian skill]] unlocked at [[clvl|Level]] 2, .  [[File:Hammer-of-the-ancients1.JPG|thumb|400px|Hammer of the Ancients closeup.]]This skill creates a mystic hammer which causes the Barbarian smashes down overhead in a melee attack that deals big 2-handed hammer damage to appear all targets in a small area. It costs Fury and thus can not be used indefinitely, but the Barbarian's hands, with which he smacks an enemy for increased weapon huge damageto one or a few targets can make it a useful support skill
==BackgroundPost-Release Changes==[[FilePatch 1.0.4]] buffed the base skill and added additional improvements to two of the rune effects as well:Diablo_III_Logo v1.jpg|thumb|200px|04 changes: []* Hammer of the Ancients in action.**Weapon damage increased from 200% to 325%* Skill Rune – [[Rolling Thunder]]** Weapon damage increased from 155% to 275%* Skill Rune – [[Smash]]** Weapon damage increased from 270% to 406%* Skill Rune – [[The Barbarian calls for aid Devil's Anvil]]** Proc coefficient reduced from his ancestors, and they respond by lending him this huge hammer1 to 0.08
==Skill Design==
[[Image:Barb-hammer-ancients1.jpg|thumb|Say hello to my little friend..300px|Early graphical version.]]
This is a really fun [[skill]] to use, and is very powerful. The increased chance to critically hit is assumed to increase the Hammer of the Ancients critical chance, instead of normal melee hits. It's a huge attack, and hits quickly, but the Barbarian takes a second to recover after the strike, leaving him vulnerable to nearby enemies. This looks like a skill that's best used against single large targets, rather than while swarmed. It's not clear if the strike will hit multiple enemies, or just the targeted enemy.
<blockquote>''The impact zone seemed very small, like a single monster in radius, which felt weird. Like it should be called Snow Shovel of the Ancients, with a narrow, blade-thin hitting end. As big as the hammer was, it should have had a crushing impact, capable of hitting multiple enemies in the area. Even basic Rank One Cleave did that, and with a much faster, more accurate, and less Fury-costly attack.</blockquote>
[[File:Hammer-of-the-ancients3.jpg|thumb|350px|Hammering some Fallen.]]Skill tiers were removed for the [[July 2011 Press Event]], allowing the skills to unlock steadily from levels 1 to 30. Consequently, all skill levels were adjusted and Hammer of the Ancients became a level 2 skill. 
* [ '''Hammer of the Ancients''' specific gallery contents]
ImageFile:Diablo_III_LogoHammer-of-the-ancients2.jpg|Skill use 1Image:Diablo_III_Logo.jpg|Skill use 2Image:Diablo_III_LogoHammer time in the desert.jpg|Skill use 3Image:Diablo_III_Logo.jpg|Skill use 4
* [ BlizzCon 2009 Full Barbarian Skill Trees and Stats]
* [ Silva's Barbarian Runestone Effects] — IncGamers 6th Sep 2011
* [ Barbarian Active Skills] — Blizzard's Official Diablo III Site
* [ Patch v1.0.4 notes].