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Invulnerable Minions

238 bytes added, 22:20, 11 July 2012
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Invulnerable Minions is a [[Boss Modifier]] that can only spawn on bosses (not Champions). It provides a permanent, unbreakable shield around all of the boss' minions, making them completely unkillable. The only way to destroy them is to kill the boss, at which point all of the minions will drop dead. (A most satisfying conclusion to the problem.)
This property is generally considered the most difficulty boss affix in Diablo III, and has spawned fan campaigns to remove it from the game, or at least to make some changes to the function of the modifier. Blizzard has resisted those, though [[Patch 1.0.3]] reduced the hit points of the boss to make these enemies a bit more manageable. As of [[Patch 1.0.3]], [[Morlu]] monsters can not spawn with this modifier.
'''Invulnerable Minions:'''
Invulnerable Minions are probably the most impactful boss modifier, in terms of forcing players to change their approach. A very strong character can probably tank them, by locking onto the Boss and battering him down quickly. Most players though, especially in Inferno, have to hit and run and hit and run for minutes, when trying to deal with these monsters.
The biggest problem is that there's no way to kill the minions, which means they will keep hitting you while you can't hurt them. They can be slowed by some [[CC]] skills, but since they can not be damaged by attacks, slowing effects from [[cold]] or skills like [[Entangling Shot]] will not work.
Aside from that On top of their persistent nature, the minions serve as are very useful meat shields for the their boss, making it hard to hit him, especially with soaking up projectile attacks. As such the most useful attacks against Invulnerable Minion packs are projectiles or spells that pierce enemies. , such as [[Lightning Ball]] and or [[Disintegrate]], for instance. Other skills that hit multiple enemies at once are also useful. The boss can also be singled out with various attacks, as he is not shielded or specially-protected, and once he dies, all the minions die as well.
One of the common player suggestions to modify these enemies is to make the minions not so impermeable, so that other projectile attacks could pass through the minions and hit the boss, or so that melee attackers would not accidentally click on the minions instead of the boss.