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49 bytes added, 00:10, 11 July 2012
Shielded monsters can not be damaged, so players should learn to recognize the effect and not waste time attacking a monster while it's invulnerable. As is often the case, this modifier is more dangerous when found on Champions, since all of them have it. Bosses and their minions get shielding, but their it seems to be less frequent, especially on the minions do not, so .
Slowing effects that rely on hitting the enemy, such as [[Entangling Shot]], or stunning attacks like [[Seismic Slam]] are generally ineffective against shielded enemies. Area effects like [[Caltrops]] may still work though, so adjust your tactics accordingly.
It seems that Shielding can '''not '''pair with [[Shielded Minions]] on the same boss and his pack; at least it's not yet been reported by any players.