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49 bytes added, 12:32, 10 November 2008
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The Amazons are a seafaring people, one of the first to have made trade contact with both the kingdoms of the West and with [[Kejhistan]] in the East. Their prominence in the world's trade establishment has afforded their warriors the reputation they currently enjoy as cunning strategists and skilled combatants. Much sought after as mercenaries, they are expert soldiers and extremely loyal -- as long as the assignment does not conflict with their strict sense of ethics.
Their pantheon of gods consists of a well-defined hierarchy, each member upholding some segment of the balance of Order. It is this strong sense of order that drives the Amazon people to achieve greatness in even the smallest of their endeavours. Their prime deity is [[Athulua]], who with her consort, [[Kethryes]], rules over the seasons and the weather. Under these goddesses are a wide assortment of lesser deities. Each responsible for his or her own sphere of influence among the amazon people's daily life. [[Zerae]] is one of the combat-oriented deities. The Amazons believe this pantheon is the remnant of the original inhabitants that settled the islands centuries ago. According to ancient records, they share the same name as these gods, although aspects of their personalities seem to have evolved over the centuries.