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539 bytes added, 14:50, 5 November 2008
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==Construct TypersTypes==
[[Image:Mon-grotesque.jpg|thumb|A [[Grotesque]].]]"Construct" undead can be made up of both bone and dead flesh. An undead is a "construct" if it is made up of more parts than the average corpse would have. The only example we have seen so far is a flesh construct, called the [[Grotesque]], but it's likely that we might see more sorts, and even bone constructs before the launch of [[Diablo 3]].
==Incorporeal Types==
A great deal of undead comes in incorporeal forms, such as [[Wraith]]s. This type of undead is the ectoplasmic manifestation of a soul that chose to stay in the mortal realm after losing its normal life, a spirit that has been forced to stay through magic, or perhaps pulled in to the mortal realm from the spirit world. Depending on the type, they usually require weapons of magical nature to damage, and they are experts in draining speed, energy or health from anyone that would have a close encounter with them.