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1 byte added, 15:16, 15 February 2012
Ordered the updates chronologically. Newest is still first.
An additional feature, which was a pleasant surprise to some, was the ability to select which class to view the stash as. Selecting a different class made the [[armor]] items appear different: each [[class]] has their own unique icons for armor. This also disappeared between [[Beta Patch 9]] and [[Beta Patch 10]]. IN the left image above the 'Appearance' tab can be seen and in the right hand image from January 2012 it has gone.
===August 2008===
Finding and collecting items is a big part of the Diablo franchise, but storing and transferring those items has not always been easy. [[Jay Wilson]] spoke to this problem in BlizzCast Episode 5, August 2008. <ref>[ BlizzCast Episode 5] - Jay Wilson, Blizzard, 28/08/08</ref>===January 2011===
Shared stashes are confirmed as in the game and working, by an @Diablo tweet. <blueref>"'''Jay Wilson[http:''' //twitter...we really want to make it easier for you to be able to share and trade items with other people and other characters on the same account. We’ve talked about ideas like a shared stash, or a mail system like World of Warcraft has, and we haven’t nailed down exactly which one of those we want to do, but we’re definitely going to do something like that, that’s going to make it really easy for you if you’ve got, a Witch Doctor and a Barbarian character, and you find that awesome Witch Doctor drop and you want to share it, it’ll be supercom/Diablo/status/25339141738729472 Stash Tweet] -easy to do that."Blizzard 12/01/11</ref> '''Bashiok:''' so <blue>Shared stashes are in other words, I won’t have to worry about my game closing after...'''Jay Wilson: '''No, no more opening up a game, dropping items on the ground, and you know, hoping that the game stays open or getting a friend to help out, no more of that. You should be able to do it on your ownworking.</blue>
===July October 2010===
The system remained undeveloped nearly two years laterIn Blizzcon 2010's D3 Open Q&A Panel, as Bashiok explained in RichterLocke from DiabloWiki asked if the D3 development team had decided whether or not to implement a forum post in July 2010. <ref>[ Shared Stash Still Just a Dream] - Blizzard. After some hesitation, 14/07/10</ref> <blue>Jay Wilson finally confirmed it: "No updateYes, it’s something we hope to do, it’s not designed or in any sort of implementation phase so until we reach and that point and either hit a revelation of it working or not we won’t know for sure. But yes, still hope to have some sort of easy 's Blizzcon-exclusive by the way to share between characters. “Drop games are dumb.” - Bashiok"</blue>
<blue>The stash starts off small, but grows “ridiculously huge” over the course of the game, when gold is spent to enlarge it.</blue>
===October 2010===
In Blizzcon ===July 2010's D3 Open Q&A Panel=== The system remained undeveloped nearly two years later, RichterLocke from DiabloWiki asked if the D3 development team had decided whether or not to implement as Bashiok explained in a forum post in July 2010. <ref>[ -stash. After some hesitation-still-just-a-dream/ Shared Stash Still Just a Dream] - Blizzard, Jay Wilson finally confirmed it: 14/07/10</ref> <blue>"YesNo update, it’s something we hope to do, it’s not designed or in any sort of implementation phase so until we reach that point and that's Blizzcon-exclusive by the either hit a revelation of it working or not we won’t know for sure. But yes, still hope to have some sort of easy wayto share between characters. “Drop games are dumb.” - Bashiok"</blue> 
===August 2008===
===January 2011===Finding and collecting items is a big part of the Diablo franchise, but storing and transferring those items has not always been easy. [[Jay Wilson]] spoke to this problem in BlizzCast Episode 5, August 2008. <ref>[ BlizzCast Episode 5] - Jay Wilson, Blizzard, 28/08/08</ref>
Shared stashes are confirmed as in the game and working, by an @Diablo tweet. <refblue>[http"'''Jay Wilson://twitter''' ...we really want to make it easier for you to be able to share and trade items with other people and other characters on the same Stash Tweet] We’ve talked about ideas like a shared stash, or a mail system like World of Warcraft has, and we haven’t nailed down exactly which one of those we want to do, but we’re definitely going to do something like that, that’s going to make it really easy for you if you’ve got, a Witch Doctor and a Barbarian character, and you find that awesome Witch Doctor drop and you want to share it, it’ll be super- Blizzard 12/01/11</ref><blue>Shared stashes are in and workingeasy to do that. </blue>"
'''Bashiok:''' so in other words, I won’t have to worry about my game closing after...
'''Jay Wilson: '''No, no more opening up a game, dropping items on the ground, and you know, hoping that the game stays open or getting a friend to help out, no more of that. You should be able to do it on your own.</blue>