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58 bytes removed, 22:35, 28 January 2012
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Wood is one of was the materials obtained by salvaging items proposed name for a material seen in early screenshots of the [[salvage cubesalvaging]]system. Materials are used by There is no such material in the [[Artisan]]final game, but it's not clear if this was a sort of parallel to craft new items. the (removed) [[MaterialsCommon Scraps]] are also required , or if it was just bad early artwork for the [[trainingPetrified Bark]] the Artisans to do level up.  There may be other purposes for materials as well, but none have yet been revealed. Wood is a fairly common material, and is required to craft most items with some wooden components to them, such as bows, shields, or spears.
* See the [[materials]] article for full details on the current state of the game.
[[File:Salvage-items.jpg|center|thumb|500px|The Salvage Cube in action, with a before and after view.]]