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49 bytes added, 07:06, 30 October 2011
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==Mystic's Wagon==
[[File:Mystic-wagon1.jpg|left|thumb|200px175px|Initial wagon concept.]]
Concept art for her wagon was shown in the [[Crafting Sanctuary]] panel at Blizzcon 2010. The basic concept was of a wagon and accouterments with a rounded, organic shape, to make it stand apart from the [[Blacksmith]]'s wagon, which as a very rectangular shape, outlined with rigid, gleaming metal and ornamented with dozens of weapons and shining pieces of armor.
File:Mystic1.jpg|Mystic speaks to a Wizard.
File:Mystic-identify1.jpg|Identify items.
File:Enchantment1.jpg|Varied bonuses from the same enchant.