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Mantra Controls
Mantras are not used like Auras were in Diablo II, which became active as soon as they were selected to the right mouse button, and remained in effect until the skill was changed. Diablo III's Mantras work more like Diablo II's Warcries; the Monk casts a Mantra which activates it for some set duration (generally 120 seconds).
Like Warcries ([known as [[Shouts]] in Diablo III) Mantras can be recast while still active. Typically they have a 30 second cooldown after they are activated, and can be recast any time after that. This may be desirable for more than resetting the duration, since some mantras provide double the bonus effect for several seconds after they are first cast.
Monks can use more than one Mantra, switching between them as appropriate.
Like all skills, each Mantra has five different runestone effects, many of which completely change the skill's function.
Mantras are best assigned to the 1-4 keys, and can then be cast at any time (past the cooldown) by simply clicking the button.  
==Mantras Revealed==