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164 bytes added, 09:21, 2 October 2008
Death and Difficulty
==Death and Difficulty==
The D3 Team has talked about balancing the game D3 to make it a more evenly steady struggle, than was Diablo II. D2 The design goal with D3 is to make the game more consistently challenging, rather than very easy most of the time, with spikes of super hard boss monsters, Iron Maiden curses, Cursed Stygian Dolls, etc. To that end, [[potions|potion]] use will be greatly curtailed, regular and life leech will be rare or non-existent. This will make healing will come from [[health globes]]the primary way to stay alive, and more monsters will be difficultbalanced to drop health globes just often enough for players to survive, but not overpowered-impossibleso much that they litter the screen after every skirmish
==Death Penalties==