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Prophecies of the Final Day

81 bytes added, 07:06, 6 July 2011
<div style="clear:both;"></div>
<div style="text-align:center;">''"And a child will cradle Terror in his breast as the heart of man falls under the shadow.''
''A [[Wanderer]] will pass through the ancient lands trailing chaos in his wake.''
''Their defeat would be illusory—that the final gambit had yet to be played..."''
<div style="white-space:pre;">'''+ + +'''</div>
''And now at last the storm surges forth from the southlands, and the hand of Destruction''
''Reaches out to undo the workings of the [[Ancient]]s. The tides of [[Burning Hells|Hell]] surge — ready surge—ready to smash'' ''Down upon the shores of the mortal world—to drown the guilty and the innocent alike.''</center> 
''Down upon the shores of the mortal world—to drown the guilty and the innocent alike.''</div>