From Diablo Wiki
Created for the Fan Fiction Section
'''Chaos''' is a bit of [[Fan fiction]] poetry by [[Madrik Rimesorrow]] originally posted in the [[Diii.net]] [http://forums.diii.net/forumdisplay.php?f=8 Fan Fiction Forum]. Posted as a one shot on December 17th 2008.
By '''Madrik Rimesorrow'''
Welcome to the realm<br>
From beyond charnel time<br>
Despair all you can before<br>
The bells of the lich-gate chime<br>
Hell criss-cross<br>
Visions gruesome<br>
I am Chaos.<br>
Baleful prospects on the horizons,<br>
Inviolable gloom in the morrows<br>
Do all felicity siphon<br>
The Apocalypse follows<br>
Insanity, in the wake of fear.<br>
Inanity, reason is reduced to.<br>
Infinity, is the limit of madness.<br>
Iniquity, shall be done to you.<br>
Your own death<br>
Is getting closer<br>
For each day<br>
Life betrays<br>
Every hour<br>
Dread devours<br>
Each minute<br>
Is a gambit<br>
Every second<br>
Anxiety heightened<br>
Just take a guess what you will endure<br>
Destined for sorrow; that is ensured.<br>
Tell me now, I do adjure<br>
Say sooth, does fear have a cure?<br>
Hell criss-cross<br>
Visions gruesome<br>
I am Chaos.<br>
* [[Madrik Rimesorrow]]
* [http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=707830 Original Post]
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By '''Madrik Rimesorrow'''
Welcome to the realm<br>
From beyond charnel time<br>
Despair all you can before<br>
The bells of the lich-gate chime<br>
Hell criss-cross<br>
Visions gruesome<br>
I am Chaos.<br>
Baleful prospects on the horizons,<br>
Inviolable gloom in the morrows<br>
Do all felicity siphon<br>
The Apocalypse follows<br>
Insanity, in the wake of fear.<br>
Inanity, reason is reduced to.<br>
Infinity, is the limit of madness.<br>
Iniquity, shall be done to you.<br>
Your own death<br>
Is getting closer<br>
For each day<br>
Life betrays<br>
Every hour<br>
Dread devours<br>
Each minute<br>
Is a gambit<br>
Every second<br>
Anxiety heightened<br>
Just take a guess what you will endure<br>
Destined for sorrow; that is ensured.<br>
Tell me now, I do adjure<br>
Say sooth, does fear have a cure?<br>
Hell criss-cross<br>
Visions gruesome<br>
I am Chaos.<br>
* [[Madrik Rimesorrow]]
* [http://diablo.incgamers.com/forums/showthread.php?t=707830 Original Post]
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