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6 bytes removed, 18:18, 4 February 2011
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'''Bash''' is a [[Barbarian]] Tier 1 [[Barbarian skills|skill]] unlocked for the at [[Barbarianclvl|character level]] at character level 2, which hits targeted enemies for double damage and causes [[knockback]].
|ranks= 5
|user= Barbarian
|tree= JuggernautTier 1
|description= Bash the enemy for X% of weapon damage. Causes [[Knockback]].
|type= Direct Damage
==Skill Design==
This notorious Combat [[skill ]] makes a return in Diablo 3, having the same basic functions as it did in {{iw| Diablo II}}. However, this new version is not identical, hitting for 200% weapon damage at rank 1, making the skill a powerful single-target ability that will presumably scale well at higher levels.
Even though Bash scales with weapon damage, the Barbarian chooses a more simple weapon when executing the skill... his bare fist. The Barbarian rears back, winding up for the punch, and delivers a devastating blow to the target. Spamming bash has become difficult, due to the [[Fury]] cost and the relatively long "cast time" (~1s).
Since spamming Bash has become hindersome, it can be safely assumed that this skill will no longer cause "Bash-locks", where a player repeatedly spams Bash, causing the enemy to be unable to retaliate. However, the knockback effect of this skill might help you in other ways, for example, to stop the [[Dark Vessel|Cultist]] from becoming a [[Activated Vessel|big-ass demon]], forcing him to restart the ritual/incantation (assumed).
==Trait [[Synergies]]==
* None known.