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Artisan Video

9 bytes added, 09:06, 24 September 2010
Artisan Video Narration=
[[Artisans]] are special [[NPCs]] who help the player in his fight against Diablo by lending their skills as craftsmen.
[[Quests|Artisan Quests][]
This is a Concept of the blacksmith, the first artisan you'll encounter in Diablo 3. You don't start the game with access to artisans, you discover them on your journey through sanctuary.
This has a couple of advantages. Less trips to the vendor to sell items because you can easily break them down while you're adventuring and any items you don't need you can recycle in the hopes that they can be turned into something better.
Artisans can be improved over time. The artisan does this by using crafting materials you provide him to train & practice. As you can see once you have acquired the right materials the upgrade process is quick.